Sunday, November 21, 2010

I hate origin stories

So, here I am, starting my own blog.  Kind of because I need to, but it also lets me express some of my thoughts and opinions about the state of film and television and video work.  Plus it will allow me to keep the world updated on my work.

So this is where I guess I should tell you about myself, how I came to be, what led me here, etc.  Fuck that.  I'm going to use this first post as a chance to talk about something I generally dislike: origin stories.

It comes to my general dislike of needing to explain everything in detail.  Knowing that Magneto was in a concentration camp helps you understand his character.  Knowing why Kenny dies in everyone episode of South Park only to be perfectly fine in the next episode does not.  How about the Star Wars prequels?  Those were awesome, right?  Why, with all the crazy things in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, does no one stop and question reality?  They don't need to.  It works better that way.

The best way to understand a character's motivations is, usually, to introduce information a little bit at a time, on an as-needed basis.  Doctor Who is a prime example.  The very first episode kicks off with him and his grand-daughter, Susan, already well on their way.  They don't show you how he becomes The Doctor in that episode.  In fact, they don't go into mass detail on his origin throughout the now 30+ years of the show.  They don't need to, it's irrelevant.  Think of Lost, how much fun would the show have been in the first two seasons were nothing but the setup to the plane crash?  Even though you know that Darth Vader used to be an angsty teenager, he's still awesome, right?  Right?

There are always exceptions to every rule.  Frank Miller's origin story for Daredevil, "The Man Without Fear" is an amazing story.  Batman Begins or the beginning of Tim Burton's Batman both did a fine job of telling his beginning.  A.C. Crispin's Han Solo Trilogy of novels does a fine job of explaining every aspect of Solo's back story in an entertaining read.  There are others, but at the moment I can think of none.

And let me clarify, I don't consider an Origin and the Beginning of the Story to be the same thing.  The Battlestar Galatica miniseries is not an origin story.  They don't show you the original war, how the Cylons came to be, how the humans got to where they were, etc.  Most of that is reveled throughout the show.  No, that miniseries is the beginning of the story of the show.  That's different.

So anyway, you won't get my origin story today.  Nope nope.  If you're really that interested, you'll just have to keep reading.  My backstory and motivitations will be revealed over time on an as needed basis.

Until next time, this is John Kovacs Plisskin, saying good night and good luck.

Oh, and your video of the day:

My favorite of my short films.  The Man Haters Club, staring Irish Bob, Brenna Parker, Noelle Noir, Joe Arroyo, and Thomas Qualls.  Enjoy!

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