Sunday, June 26, 2011

Seven long and lonely months...

Seven months since I posted my first blog post. Why the delay? It’s unimportant. In a nutshell, the ever dreaded Real Life got in the way and started to kick my ass. My desires to do a video project, let alone blog about them, went down to zero. I actually shot most of the footage for a pirate themed video in January, only to not do anything with it because I hated about half of what I shot. And I never did go to redo it, because quite frankly… Life came up again. Happy to say that I’m making a comeback however, and ready to get back into the art of film making once again!

I have a new project I’m working on, with the totally creative title of “John’s Next Movie Challenge.” Basically, I started it up because of something I need. I needed a deadline. I have some ideas, but never get around to getting them done. “That’s what I need,” I said to myself. “Someone to kick my ass and make sure I get something done on time!” But meh, I did find someone like that, but it didn’t turn out to be what I needed. Then I had the idea for this Challenge project…

Why not create a project where my “fan base” will come up with an idea to challenge me? It evolved into a little more than just a simple deadline, and included a specific time to shoot for and a general, but specific topic for the video.

Now, this isn’t to get just ideas from people. I can do that by myself, that’s the one thing I don’t have a problem with. It’s to prove to everyone who cares, and more importantly myself, that I can do a short film about anything within a few weeks.

I have a Facebook Page dedicated to the project, and every so often I will open it up for submissions. You just simply need to post and my Panel of Film Experts will look them over and decide which one I shall do. Now, my Panel is not me, myself, and I. Part of the Challenge comes from the fact that I have no control over which project I do. That way I don’t just pick the quickest, easiest one.

The Panel will remain anonymous, for a variety of reasons. I want the panel to be completely unbiased. This way no one can influence their decisions. They are film experts, people active in movie making. No they aren’t on the level of JJ Abrams or anything like that; they’re all local and work on local projects. But, they do have informed thoughts and opinions and, contrary to most armchair film buffs, actually know about and have some experience in the process of making films and writing stories.

Anyway, unfortunately if you’re reading this, the submission period for the first project has been closed. The list is with the Panel, and they shall decide my fate. I’m thinking about blogging about the process as I make this film, so if you’re interested, you can follow along.

So anyway, I’m back, and I’m posting, and I don’t feel like stopping now (but we’ll see what happens). One thing I *have* done in the last few months, which I’m rather proud of, is to sit and watch every John Carpenter directed feature film. For the first time, I feel like I can comment on a single director’s style and body of work. I’ll be expressing my views on him and his work soon. Also been sitting and watching the new Doctor Who, seen all of Eccleston (brilliant!), 2/3 of Tennant (not too bad), and the first season of Torchwood (my god it sucks). But more on that later…

A couple more things before I go.

Once again, here’s a link to the “John’s Next Movie Challenge” Facebook Page.

My friend Tenbluestar’s Blog, who in her own way inspired me to get back to posting on my blog.

And lastly, here’s the video of the day. This is my second short: World’s Worst Hangover. Staring Lewis Hiigel, Brenna Parker, and Thomas Qualls. Enjoy!

Until next time, this is John Kovacs Plisskin, saying good night and good luck.

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